attractiveness industry, business strength, business strategyAbstract
This research describe of café business condition which is flourish in Sembalun tourist area when the pandemic reign in the world, the research aim is to identify the café business position which are in sembalun tourist area and giving the marketing strategy alternative which could be used at the café owner for developing their business, to reach the goal in that area every café business position was identified by using industry attractiveness matrix to see the relation between strength business by industry attractiveness, The strength business aspect which is analyzed consist of : market share, product quality, price policy, location, special facility, promotion human resources, managerial ability, and product variation while, the industry attractiveness factor which is analyzed consist of consumer purchasing power, economic condition, political condition, market potential, competition structure, changing consumer tastes and possible entry the new competitor and the analysis result shows that the both aspects are on medium level thus, the right strategy choice for the café business in that area is growth strategy trough market segment, specialization, and selective investment, and to realize those general strategy was required the right marketing strategy to develop its café business. This research tries to give a solution in determining the strategy as an alternative which could be chosen by the café owner to continue his next business.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Rusdan Rusdan, Sulhaini, Rahman Dayani

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