Author Guidelines
Articles submitted to the scientific journal DISTRIBUSI must follow the following guidelines:
A. Manuscripts are written in Indonesian or English. Manuscripts have never been published or are not in the process of being reviewed by other journals or media.
B. Manuscripts are written in MS Word format. A4 paper size, with margins: left 3.5 cm, right 2.5 cm, font size 12pt, Font type Garamond.
C. In general, the structure of the manuscript of scientific writing both from quantitative research and qualitative research is basically the same. The structure of the research articles consists of 10 main sections: (1) Title (2) Ownership Line; (3) Abstract; (4) Keywords; (5) Introduction; (6) Overview (7) Methods; (8) Results and Discussion; (9) Conclusion and Suggestion; and (10) References.
D. Articles submitted must follow the following systematic article writing :
- The title is written using capital letters and typed in center and bold (bold). The title of the article uses Indonesian or English no more than 14 words.
- The author's name is written in full without a title accompanied by affiliation or institution of origin include an email address. For the main author, for corresponding authors the email address is written repeatedly.
- Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English for Indonesian template journal and only in English for English template journal. Each abstract consists of 150-250 words. The abstract contains a summary, research originality, research objectives, research methods, empirical results and implications. font size 11pt ; 1,0 spacing for abtract manuscript.
- Keyword followed by at least 3-5 words to facilitate article indexation.
- The introduction contains the research background, research gap, Novelty, Research objectives, and research contributions.
- The Overview contains theories and results of previous research that explain the variables and relationships between related variables which are the logical basis for developing research hypotheses (if any) must be able to explain the relevant theoretical framework and prior research that is used as a basis for logical thinking to develop hypotheses or research propositions and research models.
- The Research Method explains the methods used in the research, starting from population, sample, sampling techniques, data collection sources and methods, operationalization of variables and data analysis methods. For articles that are not in the form of research results, it can contain an explanation of the subject that is the focus of the discussion (for example, the phenomenon of social media in consumer behavior in Indonesia) and the steps proposed in solving the problems faced.
- Results and Discussion explains the methods used in the research, starting from population, sample, sampling techniques, data collection sources and methods, operationalization of variables and data analysis methods. For articles that are not in the form of research results, it can contain an explanation of the subject that is the focus of the discussion (for example, the phenomenon of social media in consumer behavior in Indonesia) and the steps proposed in solving the problems faced.
- Conclusion and Suggestion, This chapter concludes the article as a whole as well as the implications of the research results or problem solving results. Research implications can be in the form of theoretical implications and managerial implications. Suggestions for future research can be put forward by the author in this chapter.
- The list of References only lists referenced sources. All sources referred to in the article must be listed in the list of references. The reference writing style is APA style 7th edition. The minimum reference is 20 references with 80% must come from journals most up-to-date.
E. Writing Techniques:
- The research method describes the approach used in the selection and collection of data, the operationalization of variables and measurement and methods of data analysis.
- Articles that use English must be written in standard form and if the article is in Indonesian according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI).
- A new paragraph starts at the sixth key on the left edge, there is no additional space between paragraphs.
- All foreign terms are italicized for Indonesian writing. In English-language articles for writing outside English italics (italics)
- The left side and top side are 2 cm each, while the right and bottom are 2 cm each.
- Tables and figures must be numbered and the source of the quotation (if needed).
- Citation of reference sources (references) in the text (body text):
- Reference source from one author Maslach (1987).
- References from two authors Alkhatib and Marji (2002).
- References from three authors (Handoko, 2018).
- Citation of the same author for several articles (Kotler, 2007, 2008). If writing in the same year (Kotler, 2009a, 2009b).
- Citation of references from institutional sources uses the acronym of the institution (OECD, 2004).
- If the library source is an article in a scientific journal, it is written in the following order: the author's name. year. article title. the name of the journal. Volume (number): page (Journal name is skewed).
Example: Rahmatullah, V.K., Das P., Ramesh, M. & Rajan, R.K. (2007). Growth Rate Pattern and Economic Traits of Silkworm Bombyx mori, L under the influence of folic acid administration. J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage. 11(4): 81-84.
- If the library source is an article in a scientific journal, it is written in the following order: the author's name. year. article title. the name of the journal. Volume (number): page (Journal name is skewed).
- If the literature source is a textbook, it is written in the following order: the author's name. year. book title. volume (if any). edition (if any). publisher city: publisher name (The title of the book is italicized).
Example: Arikunto, S. (2002). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
- If the literature source is a translation book written following the sequence: the name of the original author. years of translation. title of the translation book. volume (if any). edition (if any). translation. publisher city: publisher name (Book title in italics).
Example: Bourdieu, P. (2010). Dominasi Maskulin. Terjemahan Stephanus Anwar Herwinarko. Yogyakarta: Jalasutra.
- If the source of the article in the collection of articles is written in the following order: the name of the author of the article. article title. in: editor name if any followed by Ed (if single) or Eds (if more than one) in parentheses. year. book title. volume (if any). edition (if any). publisher city: publisher name (The title of the book is italicized).
Example: Ancok, D. Validitas dan Reliabilitas Instrumen Penelitian. dalam: Singarimbun M dan Efendi (Eds). (1999). Metode penelitian survey. Jakarta: LP3ES
- If the source of the article in the proceedings is written in the following sequence: the name of the author. year. title of the seminar. title proceedings. the venue of the seminar. the timing of the operation (The article title is italicized).
Example: Setiawan, D. (2015). Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter di Era Global. Prosiding Penguatan Kompetensi Guru dalam Membangun Karakter Kewarganegaraan di Era Global. Seminar Nasional dalam Rangka Memperingati Hari Guru. Medan 28 November 2015.
- If the source of unpublished scientific papers (eg theses, theses, dissertations, and research reports), are written in the following order: author's name. year. title of the research report. name of the research project. city publisher: institution publisher/institution (thesis writing/thesis/dissertation/ research report in italics).
Example: Adjuh, R. (2001). Pengaruh Faktor Budaya terhadap Kemiskinan Masyarakat Nelayan di Desa Percut Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Tesis. Sekolah Pascasarjana UNIMED.
- If the source is an article in a general newspaper/magazine, it is written in the following order: author's name. year. article title. name of newspaper/magazine. city, publication date, and the page (Article title is italicized).
Example: Syamsuddin, A. (2008). Penemuan Hukum Ataukah Perilaku Chaos? Kompas. Jakarta. 4 Januari. Hlm.16
- If the library source is an online journal article, it is written in sequence: author's name. year. article title. the name of the journal. volume (number): page (The name of the journal is italicized).
Example: Siregar, N.S.S. (2016). Tingkat Kesadaran Masyarakat Nelayan terhadap Pendidikan Anak, Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Sosial Politik UMA, 4 (1): 1-10.
- If the library source is an online article (internet) with no published place and publisher, it is written in the following order: author's name. year. article title. Downloaded at website date address (Article title is italicized).
Example: Hariyanto, M, (2012). Ilmu Sosial dan Hegemoni Barat: Tantangan Bagi Ilmuan Sosial Muslim. Diunduh di tanggal 09 Juli 2017